How much is fear play into preventing us fromgrasping perspective, though? Oh no! Fear is everything. Yeah, like if there is if there was one conceptthat I would suggest to people to take a daily confrontation with, it’s fear. The problem with fear is that it lies, right. So, fear tells you, "Hey, you know, if yousay that to that girl she's going to know she has you, you know, and she'll never reallybe attracted to you if she knows how much you attracted to her. Don't say that, no! How we get her is when she walks by, ignoreher." You know, fear tells you dumb shit like that. Okay, you know. So, for me, the daily confrontation with fearhas become a real practice for me since about three years ago. I went skydiving in Dubai, right! As skydiving, skydiving is a really interestingconfront with fear, right. So, I got to stand up. So, all your friends… What happens you go out, how you… Oh sorry, drop my thing… So, what happens is you go out the night beforeand you-you ...
Thank you. It's a great pleasure and a great privilegeto be here this evening. A little overwhelming, if I may say so. And I'm overwhelmed. Let me just say that on all the years in thevarying, varying capacities that I've tried to work in, in India, the most fascinatingperiod of time that I had is in the automotive area. The automobile business is truly an emotiveand tremendously rewarding business. It has more excitement than any other business. I've been involved in. The greatest pleasure I've had is trying todo something that everybody says could not be done. I'll just share perhaps, perhaps a, a momentin time, which I will always cherish. I decided that India could produce its owncar. Everybody my friends overseas in the automobilebusiness said that this couldn't be done. We had to go through collaboration to getknow how to get technology that we undertake to produce this car. You saw images of it in the video was calledthe IndyCar and we produced it ...