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 How much is fear play into preventing us fromgrasping perspective, though? Oh no! Fear is everything. Yeah, like if there is if there was one conceptthat I would suggest to people to take a daily confrontation with, it’s fear. The problem with fear is that it lies, right. So, fear tells you, "Hey, you know, if yousay that to that girl she's going to know she has you, you know, and she'll never reallybe attracted to you if she knows how much you attracted to her. Don't say that, no! How we get her is when she walks by, ignoreher." You know, fear tells you dumb shit like that. Okay, you know. So, for me, the daily confrontation with fearhas become a real practice for me since about three years ago. I went skydiving in Dubai, right! As skydiving, skydiving is a really interestingconfront with fear, right. So, I got to stand up. So, all your friends… What happens you go out, how you… Oh sorry, drop my thing… So, what happens is you go out the night beforeand you-you ...
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 Thank you. It's a great pleasure and a great privilegeto be here this evening. A little overwhelming, if I may say so. And I'm overwhelmed. Let me just say that on all the years in thevarying, varying capacities that I've tried to work in, in India, the most fascinatingperiod of time that I had is in the automotive area. The automobile business is truly an emotiveand tremendously rewarding business. It has more excitement than any other business. I've been involved in. The greatest pleasure I've had is trying todo something that everybody says could not be done. I'll just share perhaps, perhaps a, a momentin time, which I will always cherish. I decided that India could produce its owncar.  Everybody my friends overseas in the automobilebusiness said that this couldn't be done.  We had to go through collaboration to getknow how to get technology that we undertake to produce this car. You saw images of it in the video was calledthe IndyCar and we produced it ...


 Good morning to the Class of 2018, the faculty,the parents, the grandparents, fellow honorees, and the paid laughers I have scattered throughoutthe audience. It is an honor to join you this morning forthis special occasion. It is also an honor to speak to you todayfrom behind this gigantic tree stump.  Like some sort of female Lorax with an advanceddegree. That’s right, you guys; I’m hitting Dr.Seuss hard and early in this speech. Because Dartmouth grads have a privilege uniqueamong all the Ivy League: We will be forced to be mini-experts on Dr. Seuss for our entirelives. On my deathbed, I’ll be saying, “Did youknow that his real name was Theodor Geisel? Did you know he was editor of the DartmouthJack-O-Lantern?” And yes, while no U.S. Presidents have goneto Dartmouth, we can at least lay claim for the wonderful Dr. Seuss. Another notable alumnus is Salmon P. Chase,the man on the $10,000 bill. A symbolically powerful piece of paper that’slargely useless in the real world. Lik...


 Don’t be frightened! When a Bennington student, 10 minutes beforeyou come up to the podium hands you a mace, that he made, If you don’t bring it to the podium withyou, you will never be Bennington. So I would like to thank you Ben for helpingme put the fear of God in the audience tonight. But I have to put it down because I’m anactor, and I am really weak. That was heavy! It wasn’t like a prop. That shit was real! Thanks Ben. So now I’m going to read. And I’m not off book. So I might be looking down a lot.  Thank you, President Coleman, Brian Conover,faculty, students, family, alumni, some of whom are dear friends of mine who have travelledall the way from the big city to see me hopefully not humiliate myself tonight. And especially thanks to you, the GraduatingClass of 2012. See, as a joke I wrote, hold for applause,and I was actually going to read that. So you kind of killed my joke! Let’s do that again. 2012, hold for applause. 2012! Wow! I never thought I’d see 2012. I th...


 Thank you, David and thank you everyone forinviting me here. This is a huge privilege, not because I’mthe chief guest. I think it’s a privilege mainly becauseI’m one of the parents who have had the opportunity. And I’ll take this opportunity on behalfof all of you to put my hands together and thank Dhirubhai Ambani International Schoolfor doing what they’re doing to our children. So, I want to thank all the teachers, allthe heads of departments, Zarine and Fareeda, I mean, you’re the people I used to cometo, when I have trouble I come and look at your faces and go away, and I’m calm; everythingwill be sorted out. Kava sir was fantastic at cricket matchesand shouts louder than anyone else in the world can, all the staff members, the management,the gentleman who man the security outside; so wonderful and so even the guy who doesthe parking back there, everyone for the last 13 to 14 years that I have been here. And especially my friend, Mrs. Nita Ambani. Thank you so much for looking...


 Hello, I'm Severn Suzuki speaking for "ECO"-- the Environmental Children’s Organization. We are a group of 12 and 13-year-olds tryingto make a difference: Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg, and me. We’ve raised all the money to come hereourselves -- to come 5,000 miles to tell you adults you must change your ways. Coming up here today, I have no hidden agenda. I am fighting for my future. Losing my future is not like losing an election,or a few points on the stock market. I am here to speak for all generations tocome.  I am here to speak -- speak on behalf of thestarving children around the world whose cries go unheard. I am here to speak for the countless animalsdying across this planet, because they have nowhere left to go. I am afraid to go out in the sun now, becauseof the holes in our ozone. I am afraid to breathe the air, because Idon’t know what chemicals are in it. I used to go in -- I used to go fishing inVancouver, my home, with my Dad until, just ...


 Thank you so much. That introduction was really overwhelmingand, the most positive way, so thank you. Hi, everyone. My people. It is an honor and a privilege to be heretoday at NAMI's national day of action. Looking out at all of you is so inspiring. It is great to see so many people dedicatedto improving mental health and the lives of others. Seeing people of awe ages from all over thecountry come together gives me so much hope that changes is possible.  Those of us here today know mental illnesshas no prejudice. It affects people of every race, age, gender,religion, and economic status. It doesn't discriminate between republicansor democrats either. That's why we are here today. We need to send a simple message to our nation'sleaders, mental health matters, and must be taken seriously. It is time to act for mental health and passcomprehensive mental health bills this year. We're here because groups like NAMI helpedus understand that our voices really do matter. O...