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 Thank you so much. That introduction was really overwhelmingand, the most positive way, so thank you. Hi, everyone. My people. It is an honor and a privilege to be heretoday at NAMI's national day of action. Looking out at all of you is so inspiring. It is great to see so many people dedicatedto improving mental health and the lives of others. Seeing people of awe ages from all over thecountry come together gives me so much hope that changes is possible.

 Those of us here today know mental illnesshas no prejudice. It affects people of every race, age, gender,religion, and economic status. It doesn't discriminate between republicansor democrats either. That's why we are here today. We need to send a simple message to our nation'sleaders, mental health matters, and must be taken seriously. It is time to act for mental health and passcomprehensive mental health bills this year. We're here because groups like NAMI helpedus understand that our voices really do matter. Our stories really do matter. We have the power to make a difference, andwe have the personal experience needed to be taken seriously. We know what it means to have our lives, orthe lives of people we love get off track because of mental illness. We understand that mental illness is seriousand can be absolutely devastating. We also know mental illness can be treatablewhen we have access to appropriate, comprehensive care. I know it is largely because of our personalexperience with mental illness; each of us is here today. As I learn more about my own illness and theexperience of others, I realize how much we all have in common, even if mental illnesshas made a few headlines because of my career. There is, there's a number of ways in whichI have been very lucky, yet, even with access to so much, my journey has not been an easyone by any means. During my darkest times, I didn't know whyI was alive, and I definitely didn't like myself. I had very low periods that would so emotionallydraining, that I couldn't find the strength to crawl out of bed in the morning. I was withdrawn, disconnected, and very angry. There were stretches of time where I feltnothing but shame. I would medicate myself with drugs and alcohol,in an effort to feel normal. Not better, just normal. I didn't understand why somebody like me withall the resources and reasons in the world to be emotionally well; I couldn't find happiness. When I finally got diagnosed with a bipolardisorder, it was a relief in so many ways. It helped me to start make sense of my bipolardepression and all the harmful things I was doing to cope with it. Getting the right diagnosis didn't happenovernight. Through the process of being misdiagnosedand misunderstood, I learned how important it is to be open with your doctor, so youget to the root of what is going on as soon as possible. The journey to living well with bipolar disorderis a process for me involved seeing a therapist, being honest with myself and others, followingmy treatment plan, and taking care of my victims. It requires comprehensive care. Living well with bipolar order takes workand doesn't happen at once. There wasn't one day when the light simplycame on, I said, I'm cured, I'm better. Sometimes the first, second, or even thirdmedication we try isn't one that works the best. But we owe it to ourselves to keep trying. The reality is that you're not a car who goesinto the shop and gets fixed immediately. You need ongoing maintenance. There will always be work left to do. I can only do the work now because I trulybelieve that I'm worth it, and today I'm so grateful for my life, and I want to preserveand protect it. It is my personal mission to share with othersof all ages people who are children, that are fans, people that don't know my musicat all, but hopefully my speech today can have some impact. It is my mission to share this with the worldand to let them know there is life on the other side of those dark times that seem sohopeless and helpless. I want to show the world there is life, surprising,wonderful, and unexpected life after diagnosis. I'm proud to say that I'm living proof thatsomeone can live, love, and thrive with bipolar disorder if they get connected, with professionalresources, and accept support as soon as possible. That's why I'm participating in the mentalhealth listening and engagement tour, getting to meet people like you and learning moreabout the issues that face the mental health community, us. I hope to do my part to make things a littleeasier for others and to reduce the shame associated with mental illness. I want to do what I can to make things betterfor others by becoming the strongest and most informed mental health advocate that I canbe. Today we have a chance to make history withNAMI, an organization that has been the forefront of advancing mental health in this countryfor decades. We've seen increased attention to our country'sbroken mental health system over the past few years, but we've seen very little action. Today our message is very clear; it is timefor Congress to act for mental health by supporting the passage of a comprehensive mental healthbill this year. I understand that the details around comprehensivemeant at that tall health care are complex. I'm not a policy expert, in any way, shape,or form. I do know the basics of comprehensive caremake good sense, common sense. Comprehensive care means that as a nation,we step up our efforts to prevent suicide, which is currently the second leading causeof death for young adults in the United States. Comprehensive care means that if a man withmental illness gets diabetes or cancer, his doctors work together to determine what isthe best approach for his mind and victims. Comprehensive care also means that when awoman leaves as a psychiatric hospital, there's a process in place to make sure she gets thecare that she needs, so she didn't end up back in jail, hospitals, or on the streets,or worst of all, even dead. At the heart of it, comprehensive care meansthat our mental health systems reach people early, and far more often, fewer people fallthrough the cracks and suffer alone. I'm so proud to be here with you today; together,as mental health advocates, we can make our voices heard. Our shared message is simple, like you said,keep it simple. Support passage of a comprehensive mentalhealth bill this year. So go out there and make today count. Together we will make a difference as we actfor mental health. Don't forget to tweet and post throughoutthe day. We all know that gets the word going. I'm about to right now, you know, not sittingon an important panel. I'm so proud of this community today, andI want the entire world to know that I'm proud of everyone in here, and I'm also proud ofmyself for getting the help that I need, and you can have that too. 


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