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 It is my great honor and pleasure… privilegedto be amongst all of you here this evening… Oh, this afternoon, I am still in Germany! I travel a lot, and I see that every countryhas a USP, a unique selling proposition. 

When we talk about the United States of America,it has a USP: Liberty, freedom, comfort for the citizens. When we talk about the United Kingdom, ithas a USP: Royalty, the supremacy of the Queen. When we travel to Japan, Japan has a USP:technology. You travel to the Middle East; the MiddleEast has a USP: Oil. And when we talk about India, India also hasa USP, a unique selling proposition, something that all of us are known for. Sometimes they say, how do you recognize anIndian? An Indian is known by a man or a lady whowill use the shampoo till the last bit by putting water to the bottle. How do you recognize an Indian? You would know an Indian by a man or a ladywho will use the belan, the rolling pin, to squeeze the last bit of the toothpaste outof the toothpaste.

 How do you recognize an Indian? An Indian is a person who gives another persona missed call, that culture doesn’t exist in the world. There’s nothing like a missed call in theworld, by the way, ladies and gentlemen. 

How do you know an Indian? You would know an Indian by a person who willuse a T-shirt till there’s a hole in it. And once it’s unusable in the day, becausethere is a hole in it, you would probably start using it in the night. And if it’s still not usable in the nightany longer, you keep it for Holi. And if it’s not even usable for Holi, thenyou’ll use it as pocha (mop). 

Then you know for sure you know then thatyou are truly an Indian. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we are known forour sparing nature, no wonder a lot of people of this world are super-wealthy, in this countryare super-wealthy. India is known for Bollywood. India is known for its cricket. India is known for its beautiful architecture,magnificent edifices. India is known for its Himalayas. India’s known for its literary contributions. India is known to be a developing economynow. Indeed, India is known for many, many things. 

But what India is especially known for onthis planet Earth is its unique contribution in the field of spirituality. Wherever I travel in the world, I see peopleglorifying, talking about eulogizing the principle of spirituality that comes from this greatland: Bharat Bhumi. People from America, people from Europe, peoplefrom different parts of the world come to India to see the beauty of India. But if you go to Rishikesh, if you go to theHimalayas, there’s a lot of people out there who are coming here to learn spirituality,who are coming here to learn yoga, who are coming here to learn the inner engineering,the inner ecology of life.

 Of course, when we talk about wellness, howcan we neglect the principle of spiritual wellness? This afternoon, I thought I would share withyou an analogy that one of my spiritual mentors, his Holiness Sacinandana Swami, who was aGerman by birth, once told me. It’s a beautiful analogy; it’s calledThe Tree of Life. Whenever we look at a beautiful tree, oneof the most essential parts of the tree is its roots. A tree has three aspects to it, essentially. One is the roots; the second is the trunk,and third is the crown of the tree. And when we talk about the roots, a healthytree has healthy roots. 

The deeper the roots, the stronger the roots,the tree stands strong in storms, cyclones, hurricanes, and tornados. And the roots are not seen to our eyes. Ladies and gentlemen, those roots are comparedto our spirituality. Our achievements are seen to people; our gadgetsare seen to people; our money is seen to people. Our accolades are seen to people. Our charisma is seen to people. Our success is seen to people.

 What’s not seen to the eyes of the peopleis our roots, our spiritual development. And therefore, I always say, if we do notwork on what is unseen, it’s very difficult to sustain what is seen. We also need to look at the roots, and that’swhy I say the roots… strengthening the roots happens by connection. Connection to our own selves, connection todivinity. 

That’s why meditation, yoga, chanting prayer,is gaining such popularity all over the world because everyone sees that the unseen rootsneed to be strengthened so that the tree is strong. And when those roots are strong, the secondaspect which is the trunk of the tree… the trunk of the tree is our physical and ouremotional well-being. That’s the trunk. And a trunk can stand strong, and a trunkcan stand stable only if the roots are deep and strong. 

If the roots aren’t deep and strong, thetrunk is dodgy and wobbly. A hurricane or a cyclone can shake it, sometimeseven uproot it from the very core. I remember very well in the year 2009… I believe it was 9th of July. I received a phone call from my mom, half-onein the morning, and she was crying on the phone. I guessed it: the inevitable has happened. My father was bedridden from Parkinson’sdisease. I knew something untoward had taken place. 

Obviously, my father had passed away. I went for the cremation. My father’s body was lying on stage. A few family friends, a couple of relativeswere all there. They started talking about my father, on thisgood thing, and all of that. And then, one member who was the leader ofthe community I belong to and who also happened to be family spoke a few words about my father. 

And then he said, “Actually this man wouldhave lived longer. But the cause of this man’s death is a son.” He called me the killer of my father. Did you hear that? Could there be an insult worse than that? That night when I went to my mom’s house,even after years of my spiritual practice, I was tossing and turning as these words rangin my ears, that I was the killer of my father. It was because of me that my father had died. 

Ladies and gentlemen, my mind was restless. My emotional state had been disturbed. And when your emotional state is disturbed,you can’t sleep, you can’t get anything of your life… your experience of life isproportional to your emotional state. Therefore, William Blake said the mind canmake heaven out of hell or hell out of heaven. That night as I tossed and turned, I rememberone statement my guru Radhanath Swami, the author of The Journey Home… if you can grabit, read it; beautiful book. He said, “Do not give the remote controlof your emotions to someone else.” That man by what he was saying was pressinga button on the remote control and making me feel trash. I depend on you to say that your talk wasgreat and feel good, and I depend on you to say that my talk was bad, and I feel trash. 

That means I’ve given the remote controlto you. I feel good because you make me feel good. I feel bad because you make me feel bad. And how shallow is life? Well, I don’t have the guts to take thecontrol of my emotions in my own hands. Ladies and gentlemen, we have to learn howto take the control of our feelings in our own hand. 

I will not allow any damned person under theSun to make me feel good or bad by what he or she says. If they say good, fine, that’s good—appreciation,nice. I’m happy with it. And even if they trash me, fine; it’s theiropinion. It’s the way they think. Ladies and gentlemen, the trunk is our physicaland our emotional stability. And I’m not getting into the physical well-being,because of paucity of time obviously. And the last one is the CROWN. 

The crown is our contribution to the world. The crown is where the fruits come. The crown is where the leaves come. The crown is where the flowers come. And the fruits are for others. The flowers are for others. The leaves are for others. The shade that the crown of the tree givesis for others. Our contribution to others.

 I’m saying this because people say thatlife is like an ice cream, you should enjoy it before it melts. It’ll indeed melt away. I say life is like a candle. You should bring light to others before itmelts. Both the ice cream melts, and the candle melts. But the ideology behind the ice-cream is selfishenjoyment. And the ideology behind the candle is selflesscontribution, selfless service to others.

 And each of us in our own ways must learnhow to contribute, like the crown of the tree. I must end with this little thing that I wantto say. This last one point I would like to mentionis this: if you have ever been on a flight, the members of the cabin crew will come thereand say: ladies and gentlemen, this is a seatbelt. I know. This is how you buckle it. I know. I know some pilots are sitting here; I mustapologize.

 If there’d be a lack of oxygen supply inthe cabin, oxygen masks will drop from the cabin above your heads. Secure your mask properly and breathe normally. Make sure your oxygen mask is secured properlybefore you help others. God, I thought this is the height of selfishness. But if you don’t keep yourself in place,you can’t help others. If you don’t have resources, you can’tshare your resources. If you don’t feel loved, you can’t sharelove.

 If you don’t feel hoped, you can’t givehope. If you don’t feel uplifted, you can’tuplift others. Therefore be selfish first. Care for your roots. Care for your trunk, because only when yourroots and trunk are in place, then the crown can give others. How many of you look to like to look beautiful? Any of you like to look handsome? Those who are not raising the hands thinkthey are already good-looking.

 Anyway, that’s another story of it. One lady teacher came to class and wrote onthe whiteboard: I am beautiful; which tense is it? The student says past tense, madam. You know, our late president Shri Abdul KalamJi said a very nice thing which left a deep mark on me. He said, if you really want to look handsome,give your hand to some. And you will automatically look handsome becausehandsomeness is not about beauty and looks, it’s about how we contribute to people. 

I conclude by saying, if you are beautiful,it’s God’s gift to you. If you live your life beautiful, it’s yourgift to God. And therefore the Tree of Life is about threethings: ROOTS, unseen to the world. Deepen them by connection to the divine, connectionto God, your spiritual practice, your meditation, your prayer. The TRUNK which is about cultivation of emotionaland physical wellness, emotional stability. 

Do not allow others to remote-control you. And three, the CROWN is about contribution. Giving, returning back, a sense of purpose,because the purpose of life is a life of purpose, and thus, the Tree of Life teaches us threethings: connection, cultivation, and contribution. Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to thank allof you very, very much for your kind attention. Thank you very much. 


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